Monday, 25 February 2008


What a bloody awful weekend - it all ended with me (well my DH really) barring my eldest son from the house. Do you know what? I bloody hate kids!

That being said, my eldest child is coming to stay from the end of this week (just in time for Mothers' Day). My daughter and I rediscovered one another last summer after 30 years of estrangement. If I tell you that she will be 34 this year, you can work out for yourself that she didn't walk away from me at the tender age of three! There's a huge back story there for both of us - my daughter lost her mum and I lost my daughter; it creates a sort of soul hole. I've written a book about it, which is now in the querying process with agents. For me, the querying process is more painful than the writing process!

Anyway, I digress. The reason for my daughter's visit is that she is moving down to the West Country to be nearer to us. Her and her partner had already planned to move down her but our reunion has just brought the relocation forward. And, as my daughter is about to make me a granny, we do want to be closer to one another. I'm not too sure of the wisdom of that move - I'll have to learn to keep mouth shut and ears open and remember that, although I am a midwife, I am not her midwife. Eek!

As ever, I console myself with knitting, which does bugger all for the bank balance! But that's another story...